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20 Shoe Dog Inspirational Quotes for Startups

Cover Image - Shoe Dog - 20 Inspirational Quotes for Startups

I picked Shoe Dog book mainly to read the story of Nike. And I had not the faintest of idea who Phil Knight was, before opening the book. But by the time I finished reading, I was all emotional for Phil and Team Nike. So, made a collection of the best quotes from Shoe Dog.

But what exactly is the meaning of Shoe Dog?

Well, as pointed out in the book, Shoe dogs were people who devoted themselves wholly to the making, selling, buying, or designing of shoes.

The book is written like a story, instead of a mere account of important events. You’re tensed when the business is in danger. You erupt with joy as it crosses another obstacle.

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And here I’ve collected a bunch of famous quotes from Shoe Dog Nike book. These are among the most inspirational quotes for startups.

1) There's a kind of exuberant clarity in that pulsing half second before winning and losing are decided. I wanted that, whatever that was, to be my life, my daily life.

2) There is a primal urge to compare everything to a race. But the metaphor is often inadequate. It can take you only so far.

3) I wasn't the best on the team, not by a long shot, so he could afford to make mistakes on me.

4) I believed in running. I believed that if people got out and ran a few miles every day, the world would be a better place, and I believed these shoes were better to run in.

5) Belief is irresistible.

Phil Knight Shoe Dog Quotes Image - Belief is irresistible.

6) People reflexively assume that competition is always a good thing, that it always brings out the best in people, but that's only true of people who can forget the competition.

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7) You must forget your limits. You must forget your doubts, your pain, your past.

8) There are many ways down Mt. Fuji, but only one way up. Life lesson.

9) Confidence. More than equity, more than liquidity, that's what a man needs.

Phil Knight Shoe Dog Quotes Image - Confidence. More than equity, more than liquidity, that's what a man needs.

10) Like books, sports give people a sense of having lived other lives, of taking part in other people's victories. And defeats.

11) Fear of failure, I thought, will never be our downfall as a company. But when we did fail, we had faith that we'd do it fast, learn from it, and be better for it.

12) Somebody may beat me, but they are going to have to bleed to do it.

13) The best way to reinforce your knowledge of a subject is to share it.

14) I let them be, let them do, let them make their own mistakes, because that's how I'd always liked people to treat me.

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15) When you see only problems, you're not seeing clearly.

Phil Knight Shoe Dog Quotes Image - When you see only problems, you're not seeing clearly.

16) What we were doing felt like so much more. Each new day brought fifty new problems, fifty tough decisions that needed to be made, right now.

17) The cowards never started and the weak died along the way. That leaves us, ladies and gentlemen. Us.

18) As chairman I still go most days to my office. I look around at all those buildings, and I don't see buildings, I see temples. Any building is a temple if you make it so.

19) Have faith in yourself, but also have faith in faith. Not faith as others define it. Faith as you define it. Faith as faith defines itself in your heart.

Phil Knight Shoe Dog Quotes Image - Have faith in faith. Not faith as others define it. Faith as you define it.

20) You're capable. You're confident. You can do this.

And those were the best Phil Knight quotes from Shoe Dog that I loved. These are the most impactful quotes from Shoe Dog, Nike book.

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