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33 Quotes on Work-Life Balance from Humanise Book for Achieving Equilibrium

Cover Image - Humanise - 33 Quotes on Work-Life Balance for Achieving Equilibrium

Humanise book by Plum is a compilation of hush-hush, not-often-talked workplace stories. It’s about workplace stuff like unnoticed gender biases, snarky comments, Instagrammified lives, and many other things. It also talks about the usual lack of balance between work and life.

All the stories are independent, journalistic-style writing with many quotable phrases, including work-home-life balance quotes.

Check Humanise on Goodreads

This article lists the best quotes on work-life balance and other corporate issues I found from the Humanise book. These work and personal life balance quotes will help bring out the human in you.

Personal relationships with work

1) If we are to look at life as a whole, why limit ourselves to find our calling only from work, that too from one single job?

2) One size does not fit all anymore as every team is highly nuanced, so culture will have to follow suit.

3) Humanity offers companionship without the burden or expectation of spoken words. It not only tolerates silence, but welcomes it.

4) Finding your Zone of Genius is a pilgrimage, which means there will be many mountains to climb and U-turns to take.

5) For the ultimate goal in the professional world to be self-actualisation (instead of being the best and biggest), factors like time, bandwidth, and purpose will hold much more weightage in your life than today.

6) Defining success is a trap; we still want to be caught in it.

Humanise Book Work-Life Balance Quotes Image - Defining success is a trap; we still want to be caught in it.

7) Reducing our jobs to numbers doesn’t do justice to all the other factors that come into play when we think about the work that we do.

8) Your measure is not limited to your cost to company.

Lived experiences

9) We can tackle discrimination only when we are able to identify and acknowledge bias when we see it, within ourselves and in others.

10) The decision for ‘what’s next’ may or may not be certain. What is certain is: it has to be more challenging, and it has to be closer to the person you want to become.

11) If it were a KPI at work, you would have slogged hard to achieve it and then some - parenting requires the same mindset.

12) Being autistic comes with challenges that I have to account for 24/7 in order to remain functional and able to pursue the life that I want to.

13) An environment which creates a culture of safety and trust is more likely to help a young graduate deal with mistakes and self-doubt.

Humanise Book Work-Life Balance Quotes Image - A culture of safety and trust is more likely to help a young graduate deal with mistakes and self-doubt.

Bringing hidden issues to light

14) Just a timely gesture could go a long way in getting employees from different backgrounds to be part of a new team.

15) Empowering the customer-facing team with the right kind of tools, easy-to-access information and squeaky-clear internal communication circuits can go a long way.

16) Many of the tasks that come under the ambit of office “housework” require critical skills. However, they are almost always viewed as ‘soft’ and not aspirational.

Humanise Book Work-Life Balance Quotes Image - Many of the tasks that come under the ambit of office “housework” require critical skills.

17) Beyond their accommodations, the leadership must examine their organisation’s hiring, promoting and appraisal policies for conscious and unconscious gender and age biases.

18) Creating a safe and inclusive workplace requires a shared responsibility among all employees, not just employers.

Questioning the norms

19) While interacting with someone from a marginalised community, it’s important to not only give them the space to share their opinions, experiences and stories but to also act on the same.

20) People are unique. It is our inherent differences that bring nuance and perspective to the workplace.

21) If you want your career, life, and generally the work that you do to be in the top percentile, hard work isn’t really a choice. You have to do it.

Humanise Book Work-Life Balance Quotes Image - Hard work isn’t really a choice. You have to do it.

22) The journey to eradicate caste bias in recruitment is an ongoing endeavour that necessitates a unified commitment from employers, employees, and, notably, the leadership, to foster a more inclusive corporate environment.

23) It is important for employers to adopt the lens of intersectionality when viewing menstruators in professional life.

24) The time is ripe to make that strong push for parental leave that is inclusive and gender-neutral.

25) Mental harassment remains a severely under-addressed issue, and a problem for many women.

26) Being upfront about pay not only signals a culture of honesty and candour but can also reduce time and stress for job seekers.

27) We are social beings who crave connection and sometimes, it could lead to a kismet connection.

Humanise Book Work-Life Balance Quotes Image - We are social beings who crave connection.

28) Patriarchy is a prison and all of us - men and women - are prisoners of it.

29) Employers and workplaces need to be understanding, and prepared to pivot in order to support employees during adverse life situations.

Let your hair down

30) GenZ doesn’t work for a paycheck, they work for themselves, their values, their integrity.

31) We tend to discount the skills that the corporate world has equipped us with. [...] In the end, these are the skills that help you take your small business to a big one.

32) While there are varied pressures to ensure that you meet your work targets, the only person who can make sure you get restorative rest is you.

33) Before the weekend comes to a close, take some time to plan and organise your week ahead.

Humanise Book Work-Life Balance Quotes Image - Before the weekend comes to a close, take some time to plan and organise your week ahead.

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