34 Daily Stoic Quotes to Help You Be Resilient
The Daily Stoic is the first book I read to understand and follow Stoicism. The book is full of inspirational daily stoic quotes and insights from prominent philosophers. And here’s a curated collection of some of The Daily Stoic quotes.
Inside the book, each quote is accompanied with anecdotes and commentary to explain the teachings in daily life scenarios.
These valuable daily stoicism quotes are from renowned Stoic philosophers like Marcus Aurelius, Seneca, Epictetus and others. And these are meant to help you develop peace, self-understanding and resilience.
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This article lists the best Daily Stoic quotes I found in the book. You’ll find several inspirational stoic quotes on resilience, control and self-improvement.
1) Identify and separate matters not under you control and the choices you actually control.
2) The circle of control contains just one thing: Your Mind. You don't control the situation, but you can control what you think about it.
3) Just begin the work, the rest follows.
4) The more things we desire and the more we have to do to earn those achievements, the less we actually enjoy our lives.
5) A real man doesn't give way to anger and discontent. We should be the ones in control, not our emotions.
6) Impulses of all kinds are going to come, and your work is to control them. Think before you act.
7) The next time you find yourself in the middle of a freakout – moaning and groaning, or crying tears – just ask: Is this actually making me feel better?
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8) A tough situation isn't helped by terror - it only makes things harder.
9) We have the power to hold no opinion about a thing and not let it upset our state of mind.
10) It's not only the desire for wealth and position that debases and subjugates us, but also the desire for peace, leisure, travel, and learning.
11) We have a choice: to figure on the inside or to become whatever the crowd needs at a given moment.
12) From good people you'll learn good. But if you mingle with the bad, you'll destroy such soul as you had.
13) Happy is the person who can improve others, even when in their thoughts!
14) It is impossible for a person to begin to learn what he thinks he already knows.
15) If your choices are beautiful, so too will you be.
16) Your mind will take the shape of what you frequently hold in thought. What we assume, what we willingly generate in our mind, that's on us.
17) Weed opinions out of your lives so that things simply are. Not good or bad; they just are.
18) Attention is a habit. Letting your attention slip and wander builds bad habits and enables mistakes.
19) No one should be ashamed at changing their mind. It's not week to change and adapt. Flexibility is its own kind of strength.
20) Your mind is the asset that must be worked on the most – and understood best.
21) First tell yourself what kind of person you want to be, then do what you have to do. It's not enough to wish and hope. One must act and act right.
22) How to have a good day? Do good things.
23) You have two essential tasks in life: to be a good person and to pursue the occupation that you love.
24) Take pleasures from the (right) actions – rather than the results that come from them.
25) Today, give yourself the most simple and doable of tasks: just don't make stuff worse.
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26) Remember in your journey to self-improvement: one never arrives.
27) We should bring our will into harmony with whatever happens.
28) Receive without pride, and let go without attachment.
29) Stoic joy is a serious thing – far more serious than a smile or a chipper voice.
30) The place to do your work, to live the good life, is here. Our pursuits should be aimed at progress, however little that it's possible for us to make.
31) Don't seek for everything to happen as you wish it would, but rather wish that everything happens as it actually will.
32) Let the news come when it does. Be too busy working to care. Even the most unfortunate events can turn out to be for the best.
33) Pretend that each event – whether desired or unexpected – was willed to happen, willed specifically for you.
34) Remember today that you'd be OK if things suddenly went wrong. The order and the peace might be interrupted. OK. Get a hold of yourself and find your way back.
And those were all The Daily Stoic book quotes I have. These are The Daily Stoic best quotes. So, don't just admire them. Use them. Follow them.
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