31 Best Books to Read for Life and Transform It

Books have the power to transform lives and broaden your perspectives. These are some of the best books to read to expand your horizons and enhance your life.
These are among the best books to read in life, whether you're seeking inspiration, wisdom or personal growth. From timeless classics to modern bestsellers, this is a diverse collection to appeal to everyone.
Table of Contents
- The Art of Happiness, by Dalai Lama
- The Gifts of Imperfection, by Brene Brown
- Life’s Amazing Secrets, by Gaur Gopal Das
- Who Moved my Cheese?, by Spencer Johnson
- The Magic of Thinking Big, by David J Schwartz
- Atomic Habits, by James Clear
- Ikigai, by Hector Garcia Puigcerver
- The Power of Now, by Eckhart Tolle
- Good Vibes, Good Life, by Vex King
- The Daily Stoic, by Ryan Holiday
- The Secret, by Rhonda Byrne
- The Four Agreements, by Don Miguel Ruiz
- How to Win Friends & Influence People, by Dale Carnegie
- The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, by Stephen. R. Covey
- The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, by Marie Kondo
- The 5 AM Club, by Robin Sharma
- Siddhartha, by Hermann Hesse
- Man’s Search for Meaning, by Victor E. Frankl
- The Road Less Travelled, by M. Scott Peck
- Tuesdays with Morrie, by Mitch Albom
- Do Epic Shit, by Ankur Warikoo
- The Giving Tree, by Shel Silverstein
- The Courage to Be Disliked, by Ichiro Kishimi
- The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, by Joseph Murphy
- Think Like a Monk, by Jay Shetty
- The Last Lecture, by Randy Pausch
- The Psychology of Money, by Morgan Housel
- Eat That Frog!, by Brian Tracey
- The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho
- Mindset, by Carol S. Dweck
- Do It Today, by Darius Foroux
The Art of Happiness, by Dalai Lama
The Art of Happiness is written by the Dalai Lama in collaboration with psychologist Howard Cutler. It explores the concept of happiness from a Buddhist perspective. And it offers practical advice for cultivating happiness in everyday life and transform it. The book delves deep into the nature of suffering and the role of compassion. It’s best suited for those who are seeking a deeper understanding of happiness and spirituality and Buddhism.
Top 5 Lessons from the book:
Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive.
If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.
A disciplined mind leads to happiness, and an undisciplined mind leads to suffering.
Whether our action is wholesome or unwholesome depends on whether that action or deed arises from a disciplined or undisciplined state of mind.
Although you may not always be able to avoid difficult situations, you can modify the extent to which you can suffer by how you choose to respond to the situation
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The Gifts of Imperfection, by Brene Brown
The Gifts of Imperfection focuses on the idea of cultivating self-acceptance and developing a sense of worthiness. This book is ideal for anyone looking for practical strategies to live a more authentic and fulfilling life. And it’s one of the best books with life lessons. Brown's research and personal anecdotes make the book engaging and relatable. The insights and guidance inside make it a valuable resource to overcome self-doubt and live with confidence and joy.
Top 5 Lessons from the book:
We cultivate love when we allow our most vulnerable and powerful selves to be deeply seen and known, and when we honor the spiritual connection that grows from that offering with trust, respect, kindness and affection.
Authenticity is a collection of choices that we have to make every day. It's about the choice to show up and be real. The choice to be honest. The choice to let our true selves be seen.
We cannot selectively numb emotions, when we numb the painful emotions, we also numb the positive emotions.
The dark does not destroy the light; it defines it. It's our fear of the dark that casts our joy into the shadows.
Understanding the difference between healthy striving and perfectionism is critical to laying down the shield and picking up your life.
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Life’s Amazing Secrets, by Gaur Gopal Das
Life's Amazing Secrets is another of the best books for life lessons. It explores the idea that true happiness and fulfilment can be achieved only through spiritual growth and self-discovery. The conversational style and relatable anecdotes make it an engaging read. It’s both thought-provoking and inspiring. Through real-life examples, it offers practical advice on leading a more meaningful and fulfilling life.
Top 5 Lessons from the book:
Anyone can find the dirt in someone. Be the one that finds the gold.
Watch your thoughts, they turn into words. Watch your words, they turn into actions. Watch your actions, they turn into habits. Watch your habits, they turn into character. Watch your character, it turns into your destiny. It all begins with a thought.
Live your life in such a way that those who know you but don’t know God, will come to know God because they know you.
It is strange that sword and words have the same letters.
To accept someone when everything is going right is easy. But when things are falling apart around you and you stick together, that’s the test of a relationship. Love is when we have every reason to break up but we do not.
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Who Moved my Cheese?, by Spencer Johnson
Who Moved My Cheese? uses a simple allegory to address the challenges and changes that come with personal and professional growth. The story follows two mice navigating a maze in search of cheese, which represents success and happiness in life. It’s an engaging read with practical advice on how to adapt to change and overcome obstacles. The book highlights the importance of embracing change, taking risks, and moving out of one's comfort zone promptly.
Top 5 Lessons from the book:
Life moves on and so should we.
What would you do if you weren't afraid?
What you are afraid of is never as bad as what you imagine. The fear you let build up in your mind is worse than the situation that actually exists.
See what you're doing wrong, laugh at it, change and do better.
The quicker you let go of old cheese, the sooner you find new cheese.
The Magic of Thinking Big, by David J Schwartz
The Magic of Thinking Big is a self-help book focused on goal-setting, positive thinking and the power of visualization. It provides tips and exercises to develop a positive and productive mindset. It’s an ideal book to develop a more positive outlook towards life. It’s inspiring and optimistic tone, along with its actionable strategies, make it a valuable resource for everyone.
Top 5 Lessons from the book:
Believe it can be done. When you believe something can be done, really believe, your mind will find the ways to do it.
The mind is what the mind is fed.
Action cures fear.
Look at things not as they are, but as they can be. Visualization adds value to everything.
Hope is a start. But hope needs action to win victories.
Atomic Habits, by James Clear
Atomic Habits explores the science of habit formation and provides practical advice on how to build good habits and break bad ones. It focuses on the idea that small and consistent habits can lead to significant and lasting change. It touches on various topics such as goal-setting and self-discipline. And it provides concrete strategies for making lasting change, making it one of the top books to be read in life.
Top 5 Lessons from the book:
Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become. No single instance will transform your beliefs, but as the votes build up, so does the evidence of your new identity.
You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.
You should be far more concerned with your current trajectory than with your current results.
When you fall in love with the process rather than the product, you don’t have to wait to give yourself permission to be happy. You can be satisfied anytime your system is running.
Goals are good for setting a direction, but systems are best for making progress.
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Ikigai, by Hector Garcia Puigcerver
Ikigai book is based on the Japanese “Ikigai” concept, which refers to the intersection of one's passions and talents. Ikigai is described as the reason for being and the source of happiness in life. And the book is a blend of personal stories, practical advice and cultural insights. It has inspiring stories and insights from individuals who have found their own ikigai.
Top 5 Lessons from the book:
It’s not what happens to you, but how you react that matters.
We don't create our feelings; they simply come to us, and we have to accept them. The trick is, to welcome them.
A happy man is too satisfied with the present to dwell on the future.
Stop regretting the past and fearing the future. Today is all you have. Make the most of it. Make it worth remembering.
Appreciate the beauty of imperfection as an opportunity for growth.
The Power of Now, by Eckhart Tolle
The Power of Now is a spiritual self-help book focusing on the idea that you can find happiness and fulfilment by living in the present moment. It touches the concept of mindfulness and shares how to cultivate a more present and mindful life. The book's philosophical and spiritual tone, combined with its practical advice, make it a thought-provoking and inspiring read.
Top 5 Lessons from the book:
Realize deeply that the present moment is all you have. Make the NOW the primary focus of your life.
Time isn’t precious at all, because it is an illusion. What you perceive as precious is not time but the one point that is out of time: the Now.
I have lived with several Zen masters – all of them cats.
Love is not selective, just as the light of the sun is not selective. It does not make one person special.
Any action is often better than no action, especially if you have been stuck in an unhappy situation for a long time.
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Good Vibes, Good Life, by Vex King
Good Vibes, Good Life is about the idea that positive thinking and a positive mindset can lead to a more fulfilling and happy life. It offers practical advice on how to cultivate a more joyful life through mindfulness, self-love and positive thinking. The book is engaging and relatable, and it’s a motivating and inspiring read.
Top 5 Lessons from the book:
Stop trying to impress people. Impress yourself. Stretch yourself. Test yourself. Be the best version of you that you can be.
Self-love is the balance between accepting yourself as you are while knowing you deserve better, and then working towards it.
Sometimes you have to unplug yourself from the world for a moment, so you can reset yourself.
Ultimately, self-love and raising the level of your vibration go hand in hand.
Growth takes place when you’re challenged, not when you’re comfortable.
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The Daily Stoic, by Ryan Holiday
The Daily Stoic is based on the Stoic philosophy and contains advice on living a virtuous life. It focuses on developing greater resilience, wisdom and inner peace. It’s one of the best books to read for life lessons inspired from Stoicism. And it’s a helpful resource for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of Stoic philosophy. It talks about emotions, personal ethics and the role of adversity in life.
Top 5 Lessons from the book:
Be ruthless to the things that don’t matter.
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
If a person gave away your body to some passerby, you’d be furious. Yet you hand over your mind to anyone who comes along, so they may abuse you, leaving it disturbed and troubled.
What we desire makes us vulnerable.
All you need are these: certainty of judgment in the present moment; action for the common good in the present moment; and an attitude of gratitude in the present moment for anything that comes your way.
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The Secret, by Rhonda Byrne
The Secret is a self-help book that introduces the concept of the Law of Attraction. It delves on the idea that our thoughts and feelings have the power to shape our reality. And it’s a useful handbook for personal growth and self-improvement. The book covers topics such as positive thinking, visualization, and gratitude.
Top 5 Lessons from the book:
Be grateful for what you have now. As you begin to think about all the things in your life you are grateful for, you will be amazed at the never ending thoughts that come back to you of more things to be grateful for.
There is no such thing as a hopeless situation. Every single circumstance of your life can change!
There is a truth deep down inside of you that has been waiting for you to discover it, and that truth is this: you deserve all good things life has to offer.
Your power is in your thoughts, so stay awake. In other words, remember to remember.
When you want to attract something into your life, make sure your actions don’t contradict your desires.
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The Four Agreements, by Don Miguel Ruiz
The Four Agreements presents a simple but powerful code of conduct for personal freedom and happiness based on ancient Toltec wisdom. The book paves the way to understand how to transform your life and break free from limiting beliefs and negative self-talk. And it helps develop a positive and empowered outlook toward life and improve personal well-being.
Top 5 Lessons from the book:
The Four Agreements: a) Be impeccable with your word, b) Don’t take anything personally, c) Don’t make assumptions, and d) Always do your best.
If someone is not treating you with love and respect, it is a gift if they walk away from you.
Nothing other people do is because of you. It is because of themselves.
If others tell us something we make assumptions, and if they don't tell us something we make assumptions to fulfill our need to know and to replace the need to communicate.
I will no longer allow anyone to manipulate my mind and control my life in the name of love.
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How to Win Friends & Influence People, by Dale Carnegie
How to Win Friends and Influence People remains one of the most widely read and influential books on personal development. And it has been one of the popular books to read about life lessons and building good relationships. The book covers many topics such as the power of positivity, the importance of empathy and the art of conversation. It also provides concrete strategies for improving interpersonal skills.
Top 5 Lessons from the book:
It isn't what you have or who you are or where you are or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about it.
Don't be afraid of enemies who attack you. Be afraid of the friends who flatter you.
You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.
Any fool can criticize, complain, and condemn. But it takes character and self-control to be understanding and forgiving.
When dealing with people, remember you are dealing with creatures bristling with prejudice and motivated by pride and vanity.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, by Stephen. R. Covey
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People presents a comprehensive framework for personal and organizational success. The book is based on timeless principles and modern research. It shares a list of thoughts that have the power to change lives and help achieve your goals and dreams.
Top 5 Lessons from the book:
Until a person can say deeply and honestly, "I am what I am today because of the choices I made yesterday," that person cannot say, "I choose otherwise.”
Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.
Treat a man as he is and he will remain as he is. Treat a man as he can and should be and he will become as he can and should be.
Start with the end in mind.
To change ourselves effectively, we first had to change our perceptions.
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The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, by Marie Kondo
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up is a bestselling book on the benefits of an organized life. It puts forward the emotional and psychological benefits of decluttering. The book puts emphasis on not just getting rid of physical clutter, but also letting go of negative emotions. In the book, Marie outlines her unique approach to organizing, known as the “KonMari Method.”
Top 5 Lessons from the book:
When we really delve into the reasons for why we can’t let something go, there are only two: an attachment to the past or a fear for the future.
The question of what you want to own is actually the question of how you want to live your life.
The space in which we live should be for the person we are becoming now, not for the person we were in the past.
Keep only those things that speak to your heart. Then take the plunge and discard all the rest.
The best way to choose what to keep and what to throw away is to take each item in one’s hand and ask: “Does this spark joy?” If it does, keep it. If not, dispose of it.
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The 5 AM Club, by Robin Sharma
The 5 AM Club focuses on the power of starting each day with a proactive and productive mindset. The book highlights the importance of discipline and personal responsibility. And it provides insights on cultivating a successful and fulfilling life through early rising, personal development and focus on the goals. It’s a must-read if you're looking to improve productivity, focus and well-being, and want to make the most out of your life.
Top 5 Lessons from the book:
All change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end.
Art feeds my soul. Great books battleproof my hope. Rich conversations magnify my creativity. Wonderful music uplifts my heart. Beautiful sights fortify my spirit.
Take excellent care of the front end of your day, and the rest of your day will pretty much take care of itself. Own your morning. Elevate your life.
Remember, every professional was once an amateur, and every master started as a beginner. Ordinary people can accomplish extraordinary feats, once they’ve routinized the right habits.
A bad day for the ego is a good day for the soul.
Siddhartha, by Hermann Hesse
Siddhartha is a novel that tells the story of a young man named Siddhartha on his journey to spiritual enlightenment. It’s set in ancient India and follows Siddhartha as he experiments with different lifestyles and teachings. The book explores themes such as the search for meaning, the nature of reality, and the nature of wisdom. It’s a thought-provoking work that offers a unique perspective on the journey of self-discovery.
Top 5 Lessons from the book:
Knowledge can be communicated, but not wisdom. One can find it, live it, do wonders through it, but one cannot communicate and teach it.
“When someone seeks," said Siddhartha, "then it easily happens that his eyes see only the thing that he seeks, and he is able to find nothing, to take in nothing because he always thinks only about the thing he is seeking, because he has one goal, because he is obsessed with his goal.”
It is not for me to judge another man's life. I must judge, I must choose, I must spurn, purely for myself. For myself, alone.
I have always believed, and I still believe, that whatever good or bad fortune may come our way we can always give it meaning and transform it into something of value.
We are not going in circles, we are going upwards. The path is a spiral; we have already climbed many steps.
Man’s Search for Meaning, by Victor E. Frankl
Man's Search for Meaning is another powerful and thought-provoking book that explores the author's experiences as a concentration camp survivor during the Holocaust. It presents a unique perspective on how to find purpose in life, even in the most difficult of circumstances. If you're feeling lost amidst the challenges and adversities of life, this book will interest you.
Top 5 Lessons from the book:
Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms – to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.
When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.
Those who have a ‘why’ to live, can bear with almost any ‘how’.
Don't aim at success. The more you aim at it and make it a target, the more you are going to miss it.
There was no need to be ashamed of tears, for tears bore witness that a man had the greatest of courage, the courage to suffer.
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The Road Less Travelled, by M. Scott Peck
The Road Less Travelled explores the concept of growth through struggles. It discusses the importance of facing and overcoming difficulties in life in order to achieve a more meaningful existence. The book delves into various topics such as discipline and love, each exploring a different aspect of the journey towards personal growth and self-discovery. It’s a great choice for those who want to find deeper meaning in their life.
Top 5 Lessons from the book:
Until you value yourself, you won't value your time. Until you value your time, you will not do anything with it.
Life is difficult. This is a great truth, one of the greatest truths. It is a great truth because once we truly see this truth, we transcend it.
Human beings are poor examiners, subject to superstition, bias, prejudice, and a PROFOUND tendency to see what they want to see rather than what is really there.
Genuine love is volitional rather than emotional. The person who truly loves does so because of a decision to love.
You cannot truly listen to anyone and do anything else at the same time.
Tuesdays with Morrie, by Mitch Albom
Tuesdays with Morrie is definitely the best book to read in life. It’s a memoir by Mitch Albom about his relationship with his sociology professor, Morrie Schwartz. The book details Albom's visits with Morrie, who was in the final months of his life and shared his views on life. Through these visits, Albom learns valuable lessons about living a meaningful life, finding happiness, and dealing with grief. The book is both touching and humorous.
Top 5 Lessons from the book:
Death ends a life, not a relationship.
The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning.
Accept who you are; and revel in it.
You see, you closed your eyes. That was the difference. Sometimes you cannot believe what you see, you have to believe what you feel. And if you are ever going to have other people trust you, you must feel that you can trust them, too – even when you’re in the dark. Even when you’re falling.
The truth is, once you learn how to die, you learn how to live.
Do Epic Shit, by Ankur Warikoo
Do Epic Shit is a self-help and motivational book that encourages readers to pursue their passions and live life to the fullest. The book covers life topics such as taking risks, setting goals and living a life of purpose and impact. And it has personal stories, insights, and practical tips for finding purpose, overcoming obstacles, and creating a fulfilling life.
Top 5 Lessons from the book:
Sit on as many chairs as you can before you find the one chair on which you feel you belong.
The pro is the amateur who simply showed up every day.
It takes effort to find love. It takes effort to feel fulfilled. It takes effort to be fit. It takes effort to be happy. Which is why most of us do not have love, fulfilment, happiness or fitness in our life.
Who you spend time with will define the stories you hear. The stories you hear will define the stories in your head. The stories in your head will define you.
Persistence isn’t a one-day miracle. It is a conscious choice translated into habit.
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The Giving Tree, by Shel Silverstein
The Giving Tree is a classic children's book that explores themes of generosity, selflessness and love. It’s about a tree and a young boy who builds a relationship over time, as the tree gives all it has to the boy. The tree eventually gives all of itself to the boy, leaving just a stump, but the boy returns as an old man and sits on the stump, which makes the tree happy. It’s a simple and heart-warming story that can be appreciated by everyone.
The Courage to Be Disliked, by Ichiro Kishimi
The Courage to Be Disliked is a self-help book based on Adler's belief that our unhappiness and dissatisfaction stem from a desire for recognition and superiority. The book explores the idea that individuals can achieve happiness and fulfilment by overcoming these feelings and embracing their individuality. It presents a unique perspective on the human psyche, and offers practical advice on embracing our true selves.
Top 5 Lessons from the book:
A healthy feeling of inferiority is not something that comes from comparing oneself to others; it comes from one’s comparison with one’s ideal self.
Do not live to satisfy the expectations of others.
It’s that you are disliked by someone. It is proof that you are exercising your freedom and living in freedom, and a sign that you are living in accordance with your own principles.
The courage to be happy also includes the courage to be disliked. When you have gained that courage, your interpersonal relationships will all at once change into things of lightness.
If one really has a feeling of contribution, one will no longer have any need for recognition from others.
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The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, by Joseph Murphy
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind touches the idea that the subconscious mind has immense power and that it can be harnessed to create a more fulfilling life. The book provides techniques and exercises for tapping into the subconscious and using its power for personal growth. It’s among the best books to read on life, as it talks about the power of the mind to shape one's reality.
Top 5 Lessons from the book:
Just keep your conscious mind busy with expectation of the best.
The only path by which another person can upset you is through your own thought.
Busy your mind with the concepts of harmony, health, peace, and good will, and wonders will happen in your life.
Prayer is the soul's sincere desire. Your desire is your prayer. It comes out of your deepest needs and it reveals the things you want in life.
The way to get rid of darkness is with light; the way to overcome cold is with heat; the way to overcome the negative thought is to substitute the good thought. Affirm the good, and the bad will vanish.
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Think Like a Monk, by Jay Shetty
Think Like a Monk draws upon Jay’s experience studying and living as a monk. The book has tips to cultivate a monk's mindset and apply it to modern life. It covers many topics such as mindfulness, purpose and happiness. It’s a combination of ancient wisdom and contemporary stories and anecdotes to illustrate the power of a monk's approach to life.
Top 5 Lessons from the book:
Remember, saying whatever we want, whenever we want, however we want, is not freedom. Real freedom is not feeling the need to say these things.
Cancers of the mind: Comparing, Complaining, Criticizing.
The more we define ourselves in relation to the people around us, the more lost we are.
Our search is never for a thing, but for the feeling we think the thing will give us.
Actually, the greatest detachment is being close to everything and not letting it consume and own you. That’s real strength.
The Last Lecture, by Randy Pausch
The Last Lecture is written by a computer science professor, Randy Pausch, who is diagnosed with terminal cancer. It’s based on a lecture he delivered at Carnegie Mellon University, in which he reflects on his life and shares lessons he has learned along the way. The book is both deeply personal and widely applicable, and it’s counted among the best books to read about life. Randy's insights and wisdom are relevant to anyone seeking to live a fulfilling life.
Top 5 Lessons from the book:
The brick walls are not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something.
We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.
When it comes to men who are romantically interested in you, it’s really simple. Just ignore everything they say and only pay attention to what they do.
Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted. And experience is often the most valuable thing you have to offer.
The key question to keep asking is: Are you spending your time on the right things? Because time is all you have.
The Psychology of Money, by Morgan Housel
The Psychology of Money is also the best book for life lessons. It explores the relationship between money and humans, and how it affects decision-making and financial outcomes. In the book, Morgan covers topics such as investing, saving and spending, and debt. The book provides a deeper understanding of different financial behaviours. And it will help you gain a more nuanced view of money.
Top 5 Lessons from the book:
Realize that not all success is due to hard work, and not all poverty is due to laziness. Keep this in mind when judging people, including yourself.
Money’s greatest intrinsic value – and this can’t be overstated – is its ability to give you control over your time.
Spending money to show people how much money you have is the fastest way to have less money.
The ability to do what you want, when you want, with who you want, for as long as you want to, pays the highest dividend that exists in finance.
Things that have never happened before happen all the time.
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Eat That Frog!, by Brian Tracey
Eat That Frog! provides practical advice on time management and goal setting. It’s based on the idea that you should “eat your frog” – tackle the most challenging task of the day first thing in the morning. Doing so increases productivity and reduces stress. The book is a practical and straightforward guide on getting more done in less time. It also provides tips to overcome the challenges that arise when pursuing your goals.
Top 5 Lessons from the book:
One of the very worst uses of time is to do something very well that need not to be done at all.
You cannot eat every tadpole and frog in the pond, but you can eat the biggest and ugliest one, and that will be enough, at least for the time being.
If you have two important tasks before you, start with the biggest, hardest, and most important task first.
The hardest part of any important task is getting started on it in the first place. Once you actually begin work on a valuable task, you seem to be naturally motivated to continue.
Do not wait; the time will never be “just right.”
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The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho
The Alchemist is a philosophical fable about a shepherd boy named Santiago who embarks on a journey to fulfil his personal legend, or life's purpose. Along the way, he meets a cast of characters who guide him and teach him important lessons about life, love, and the pursuit of one's dreams. It’s a thought-provoking and uplifting read, and it’s a good book for those who are seeking guidance in exploring the meaning of their life.
Top 5 Lessons from the book:
And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.
It's the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.
When we love, we always strive to become better than we are. When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.
One is loved because one is loved. No reason is needed for loving.
There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.
Mindset, by Carol S. Dweck
Mindset book explores the impact of mindset on our abilities, achievements, and overall well-being. It provides a detailed exploration of the difference between fixed and growth mindsets. It suggests that our mindset, or the way we view our abilities and potential, can shape our experiences and determine our success. The book also offers practical advice on cultivating a growth mindset to achieve greater success and fulfilment.
Top 5 Lessons from the book:
Becoming is better than being.
He didn’t ask for mistake-free games. He didn’t demand that his players never lose. He asked for full preparation and full effort from them. “Did I win? Did I lose? Those are the wrong questions. The correct question is: Did I make my best effort?” If so, he says, “You may be outscored but you will never lose.
We like to think of our champions and idols as superheroes who were born different from us. We don’t like to think of them as relatively ordinary people who made themselves extraordinary.
No matter what your ability is, effort is what ignites that ability and turns it into accomplishment.
Why waste time proving over and over how great you are, when you could be getting better? Why hide deficiencies instead of overcoming them? Why look for friends or partners who will just shore up your self-esteem instead of ones who will also challenge you to grow? And why seek out the tried and true, instead of experiences that will stretch you?
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Do It Today, by Darius Foroux
Do It Today is focused on helping you take action. It provides tips to overcome procrastination and build habits that lead to success. The book also covers topics such as goal-setting and time management. And it contains actionable steps to tackle daily tasks and reach long-term goals. It encourages people to “Do it Today” and not wait for the perfect moment.
Top 5 Lessons from the book:
I have a set of daily habits that help me to be in control of my life. I journal, read, set daily priorities, and don’t consume useless information.
Your life stops when learning stops.
Life doesn’t stop. And every single second, we’re getting closer to death.
One thing we have to remind ourselves is that the people who think they know everything are the biggest losers in life.
Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking.
Also Read: 15 Best Books for Motivation
OK, those were all the important books to read in life. These are some of the best books with life lessons for positivity, habits and growth.
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