author interviews

Bell Landers on A Safe Place to Fall, Indie Publishing, and Writing Journey

Cover Image - Indie Author Spotlight - Bell Landers on A Safe Place to Fall

Every writer starts with a blank page. But what happens after? Today, I’m talking to Bell Landers about her book A Safe Place to Fall, the ups and downs of the writing journey, and what they wish they knew before starting. Whether you're a reader, a writer, or just love a good success story, this interview is for you.

Let’s dive in!

1. Tell us a little about yourself.

Oh boy, I feel like that’s a trick question. Honestly, there isn’t much about me. I use a pen name for a lot of reasons and tend to stay pretty private/anonymous. When I’m not writing, I’m typically reading, swimming, playing with my dogs or hanging out with my family.

I watch a lot of sports, and I’m also a bartender. Since writing was taking up a lot of time, I no longer work at bars. I do event bartending myself, though. That way, I can decide which events to take. I love it, and it’s always interesting to see what the event and people will be like! Lots of quirks, but I’m sure if you follow me on social media, you’d see them.

2. Wow, you’re an interesting character. Fitting a lot in your day. When do you even pick up writing?

I guess it kind of depends on the time of year! During summer, I almost have no time during the day, so I try to write in the morning if I can. If not, I’m typically writing at night into the early mornings. Shadows That Linger was written mostly from 1 to 5 AM. During the holiday season, it’s much the same.

But from February to April, I can normally fit time in the day! No routine, I just go with the flow and try to sneak in time when I can. I’m truly not that organized. 

3. Ohkayzz, pitch your book in one or two sentences.

A Safe Place to Fall is about Ava. Imagine you’re not really living. Ava is that person. She goes through a lot in her past, and is struggling to come to terms with it all and actually like herself. Her neighbor, who is heads over heels for her, shows her that living isn’t so bad and that it might include a lot of spicy time. Shows her that BDSM (bondage, discipline, submission and masochism) can be healing. 

4. What kind of readers would love this book?

For A Safe Place to Fall, it would be the romantics and those who love some good smut. But also love emotional moments and watching a character heal and transform. It's truly bittersweet to see the female protagonist go through what she does and come out stronger on the other side. 

5. Now, let’s get a little personal. What’s the story behind your story?

I love reading smut and BDSM books, but 9/10, they’re smut just to be smut. While they have amazing plots, and I get sucked in every time, I was missing the emotional aspect. I hardly find books where the FMC (female main character) uses her safe word, and I wanted that. I wanted to portray boundaries, limits, safe words, and just how healing BDSM can be. It’s always more than sex, and I hope I was able to portray that. 

6. So, you wrote the book you wanted to read, literally. How supportive has your family been?

Yes! Every book I write is the book I would want to read! My family is super supportive of my writing and blast that I’m an author more than I do. Since I’m anonymous, not a lot of “real life” people know I’m an author.

For A Safe Place To Fall, some of my family members knew and were super hyped. Before writing that, I hadn’t written in a year due to the death of my dog, needing time to heal. I think they were all pretty amazed that I picked up the laptop again. Once everything was said and done and I had preorders up,  I posted about it in our family chat. I like to keep things a surprise at times. But for the most part, they’re always along for the ride!

7. Great, Indie publishing is quite a journey! How has the ride been for you?

Whew, it was a journey! For my debut novel - Shadows That Linger - I didn’t format or set up my author profile. I didn’t publish it or really any of the behind-the-scenes. Another author friend did all that, and while I am forever thankful, it was time for me to learn!

For this latest novella, I formatted and uploaded everything. Honestly, the process went smoother than I ever could have imagined. The hardest for me was setting up my newsletter and my domain. I think I broke my brain setting all that up, but everything has been a lesson, and I learned so much. I’ve met so many amazing people on this journey who always have my back and are there when I have questions.

At the end of the day, all the hard moments have been worth it, and I’m really grateful for the team behind me, helping me along. 

8. Awesome, every book has that one scene or character that sticks with the author. What’s yours?

For my novella, Ava was my star. Her bravery just meant a lot to me and was even healing to me in a lot of aspects. There’s a scene that has been recounted many times in my reviews, and it’s labeled “the kitchen scene,” and I have to agree with my readers. That scene will always stick out to me. It’ll always mean the most to me.

Our FMC has a flashback during… spicy time, and the way our MMC (male main character) handled it. You know, that’s how BDSM should be portrayed and how safe words should be used and what should happen after. It was sad but also beautiful. It really showed how their relationship was. 

9. Hoping more readers read this book. Now, writing isn’t all inspiration, it’s also a struggle. What part of this book gave you the hardest time?

The title and the cover. Those gave me the hardest time. Writing for me is the easy part, I actually wrote all ten chapters in one day before moving on to rewrites and self edits. I don’t typically get stuck during the writing process. But trying to think of a cover and title to express the book? Gets me every time.

It took a lot of talking to others, getting opinions, and making so many changes with my cover artist to have “the one”. The minute she sent it, I teared up. I knew it was the cover. So, in the end, it worked out, but the only way to push through was to really sit down and talk to others and get their opinions. 

10. Oh, we love the cover, too. What’s one weird or unexpected thing you Googled while writing this book?

Thankfully, nothing weird for this book. For my debut and my upcoming novel, I Googled enough stuff to land me on a watchlist! I’m sure. But for this novella, I didn’t have to Google much. I’m already pretty knowledgeable in BDSM, and everything flowed so perfectly. I did, however, Google vibrating underwear to see how many settings they typically have, but let’s be honest, that was a fun search. 

11. Hahaha, that sure sounds fun. Now, for all the aspiring indie authors out there. What’s one piece of advice you wish someone had given you?

For me, I always remind myself and others that you can edit a bad page. You can’t edit a blank one. Every good author has a better editor behind them. When you’re writing your first draft, don’t worry about making it perfect. That comes later. Sit down and write. Let it flow, and let the motivation find you. That’s the most important thing! Other than that, we’re truly just poking and hoping and seeing what works! 

12. Lovely, and where can readers find you and your book?

All my books can be found on Amazon!

The novella: A Safe Place To Fall

Debut novel: Shadows That Linger

My Linktree can take you to most places I am, if not all! Or at least the ones you can catch me on more often.

If the books sound like your kind of read, be sure to check it out! Support indie authors by grabbing a copy and leaving a review!

PS… What’s your go-to writing snack or ritual?

No snacks while writing. I don’t like to eat around the laptop, but definitely lots of snacks in between writing. I’m not sure if I have a go-to ritual. I always have my water bottle and a blanket. But other than that, I really just wing it all. Definitely not the most organized, but it gets the job done. Chaos always!

And that’s a wrap.

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